Remake Learning Days
Career Ready PA
Remake Learning Days is a celebration of innovative experiences and opportunities for youth. RLD events that integrate career readiness and employability skills or provide exposure to different career paths qualify for the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge. Learners from K-11 can earn a digital badge artifact for their career readiness portfolio by attending these events and completing a brief artifact survey.
Career Ready PA and Remake Learning Days
For the fourth year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) is excited to uplift Remake Learning Days through the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge. The festival hosts hands-on learning events which support the new Career Education and Work standards and opportunities for learners to learn about employability skills and careers. Virtual events like learning from scientists at NASA’s live weather station, or flying a drone on a dairy farm, make learning accessible no matter where you live in PA. Live and mostly free community events at libraries, parks, museums, tech centers, and more, provide families and learners with the opportunity to experience robotics, cartoon drawing, sculpting, even butchering a cow!
Learn more on how Career Ready PA helps educators prepare students for success here and how the Pennsylvania Department of Education prepares all learners for career readiness.
How to join the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge! Open to all students K-12 in Pennsylvania.
Step 1: Schools (One contact per school) register for the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge here. Schools should register for the Backpack Challenge as soon as possible and before May 2025.
Step 2: Explore Remake Learning Days events that are Career Ready PA approved for the Backpack Challenge. Events will be posted to the RLD website in March 2025.
Step 3: Attend the event(s) you’ve picked during Remake Learning Days in PA between May 1-23, 2025. Don’t forget Step 4!
Step 4: Complete the artifact survey to earn your badge for your career portfolio from the PA Department of Education. Schools who earn 100 badges or more are awarded a Career Ready PA banner. The artifact survey must be submitted after attending your event and no later than May 24, 2025. The survey will be posted in May prior to the start of the festival.
Step 5: Share with us what you learned by using the hashtags #RemakeDays #CareerReadyPA
Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge Mega Event
The goal of the Career Ready PA Mega Challenge is to increase school participation in the Backpack Challenge by encouraging students to submit digital artifacts for their career portfolio, as required by the Future Ready PA Index. Schools earning more than 100 artifacts will earn a banner for their school (as noted above).
1. Host must partner with at least one school district (Host can be a school district.)
2. Schools participating within each district MUST register for the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge by February 14, 2024,
3. Host must include the Career Ready PA liaison for the region. The liaison will support the school with the Challenge.
Additional consideration will be given to schools who partner with a Career and Technical Education (CTE) or economically disadvantaged school/s (Title I). To determine if a school is Title I, go to the Future Ready PA Index school performance website and click on “School Fast Facts.”
If interested in applying to be a Mega Challenge Event, please apply here. Applications are due by February 21, 2025.
If you have any questions about Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge, please reach out to Cari Kozicki, RLD Across PA Manager for Special Initiatives, at or Laura Fridirici at