Northwestern PA

May 01, 2025 – May 23, 2025


Join us for Remake Learning Days featuring 100+ hands-on learning events!

Together with our partners, we are bringing more than 100 hands-on learning events to Northwestern PA. We plan to connect YOU and your family with others – schools, community centers, non-profit organizations, local businesses, and other families throughout the region. RLD NWPA events occur throughout the following counties: Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, Mercer, Venago, Warren.

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Be a RLD Event Host!

We are looking for event hosts from schools, libraries, parks, companies, museums, nonprofits and more. Be a part of this festival by hosting an event today. Submit your event below or learn more here.

Leading Organizers

NWPA STEM Ecosystem

The NWPA STEM Ecosystem fosters collaboration among educators, industry, and community partners to build a robust STEM culture, support regional workforce needs, and inspire learners across Northwestern Pennsylvania.


ABC CREATE is actualizing its mission – actively connecting teachers across school districts with professional learning communities, tools, and best practices to develop competent and technologically fluent students.

Riverview Intermediate Unit #6 

The NWPA STEM Ecosystem fosters collaboration among educators, industry, and community partners to build a robust STEM culture, support regional workforce needs, and inspire learners across Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit #5 

IU5 provides excellence, equity, and opportunities.  Creating future-ready, self-empowered individuals and families for lifelong learning.

ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 

ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 is a regional educational service agency providing specialized programs and support to students, educators, and communities across Armstrong and Indiana Counties.

Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV 

Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV is dedicated to fostering innovation, creativity, and equity in education by providing impactful professional development, resources, and support that empower educators and uplift students.  

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