Remake Learning Days (RLD) is powered by Remake Learning, a peer network for educators and innovators in southwestern Pennsylvania. RLD celebrates the spirit of Remake Learning with families and youth throughout the country and is supported by RLD partners Common Sense Media, Learning Heroes and ParentPowered. We appreciate our international sponsor, The Grable Foundation, and partners for their commitment to education and helping youth from all experiences and backgrounds.


The Grable Foundation is guided by our mission to help children and youth become independent, caring, contributing members of society by supporting programs critical to children’s successful development. With a focus on southwestern Pennsylvania, we seek out nonprofit partners who share our commitment to making our region the best place in the world to be — and to raise — a child. Learn more at


Remake Learning is a free, peer network for educators and innovators in the greater Pittsburgh region. Currently made up of 1,200+ members across 10 counties, the network helps connect people, projects, and organizations, making it easier for them to share best practices, collaborate on new ideas, and find funding and professional learning. In 2023, Remake Learning celebrates its 16th anniversary with members and friends from across the region, country, and world. Learn more at or follow @remakelearning on Facebook, X and Instagram.


Since 2003, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Every day, millions of parents and educators trust Common Sense reviews and advice to help them navigate the digital world with their kids. Together with policymakers, industry leaders, and global media partners, we’re building a digital world that works better for all kids, their families, and their communities. For more information, visit the Common Sense Media website and follow @CommonSense @CommonSenseEd for social media updates.


Learning Heroes supports parents and guardians as their child’s most effective education advocate. Using key insights from five years of qualitative and quantitative parent research, we work with state education agencies (SEAs), local education agencies (LEAs), education nonprofits, parent organizations, civil rights groups, faith based organizations, businesses, and many others, to reach and engage parents with free, research based tools, resources and communications in English and Spanish. Through these organizations, in 2019, Learning Heroes reached more than 27 million parents, and engaged nearly 4 million with our content. Learning Heroes is a project of the New Venture Fund. For more information, visit and follow @BeALearningHero on Facebook and X.


ParentPowered Family Engagement Programs help districts, community organizations, and schoolsstrengthen partnerships with families and caregivers birth–grade 12 to improve student engagement, attendance, academics, and mental health. We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to thrive. Research, practice, and our own experiences tell us that parents play a particularly powerful role in fostering their children’s development. We know that all parents want their children to succeed, and study after study makes it clear that parents will eagerly uptake tools to support their parenting journey, if they’re available. For more information, visit and follow @ParentPoweredFE on Facebook, X and Instagram or on LinkedIn.