Exploring Remake Learning Days

Remake Learning Days (RLD) is a learning festival designed for kids of all ages and for their parents and caregivers to learn with them. Come back in February 2025 to begin exploring events across 15 regions and pop-up events! Families can easily search for events by date, location, learning theme, age of child, tags and more. To stay connected, sign up for our free e-newsletter here.

Learning Themes

How do we prepare kids to thrive in a world of constant change? Today’s students must learn how to learn, be curious on how different topics intersect and be confident in their inner creativity.

Remake Learning Days is one of the world’s largest open house for hands-on learning for youth, families, grandparents and educators to discover creative ways of learning. To help navigate all the events, below are different learning themes. Please note that events may feature multiple learning themes.

  • Arts
    Arts features hands-on learning and expression through all kids of art including: theatre, dance, visual art, music, photography, and more!
  • Maker
    “Making” is about taking things apart and putting it back together. Tinker, build, and create with all kinds of materials. Try a 3D printer, take apart a toy to see what’s inside and then rebuild it, or create a marshmallow tower!
  • Outdoor Learning
    Outdoor Learning is about experiencing and learning about the natural world. How can we think about the environment, sustainability, and more by exploring our very own back yards?
  • Science
    Science is all about experimentation! Kids and adults can explore chemistry, biology, geography and more. How does our world work? What can we test and explore in the world around us?
  • Technology
    Technology gives kids the chance to explore their digital world. Want to try coding? Build robots? Learn circuitry? Look for technology events that help you discover new things.
  • Youth Voice
    Youth Voice is about youth leadership and amplifying youth voice. Youth have the ability to express themselves in so many ways such as: through audio, video, art, music, and more. Youth voice-related events highlight how youth express themselves in their own ways.

RLD Ambassadors

The Remake Learning Days Ambassador program is an opportunity for parents/caregivers, teachers, and youth to help increase awareness and enthusiasm for Remake Learning Days across PA.