About this Event
It's an evening that encourages all of our students, families and community members to turn off the tv and computer screens and head outdoors to celebrate and learn about the many wonderful things the outdoors has to offer.
We host our Move It Outdoors Night to encourage students, families and community members to increase physical activity levels and reconnect with nature. Our evening event also allows us to decrease digital distractions and inspire families to achieve more balance by rediscovering the joys of life beyond smartphones, tablets, video games and television screens.
We have 8 local State Parks that will be represented at our event this year along with many other organizations such as the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group (AHUG), Bureau of Forestry from Tioga & Susquehannock State Forests, Pennsylvania Lumber Museum, Oswayo State Fish Hatchery, Rathburn & Weber Maple Products, Penn State Master Gardeners of Potter County, USDA Forest Service, Potter County Education Council, and the Pennsylvania WoodMobile.
These entities will be sharing their interests and passion for the outdoors with our students, families and community members.
We are excited for families to walk the Interpretive Skunk Cabbage Trail at the Assembly Park in Shinglehouse, PA. Come enjoy nature, along with the sights and sounds! We want our students to know that being in nature can help us improve our thinking, reasoning, and other mental skills.
Attend this Event
Assembly Park, 227 S. Oswayo St. Shinglehouse, PA 16748 United States | Google Map
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Event type
In-person Drop In Event
- Apr 16 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm (EST)
Accessibility Accommodations
- Service animals, Sensory Friendly
- Wheelchair accessible
- Accessible parking
Age Groups
- Ages 5-7
- Ages 8-10
- Ages 11-13
- Ages 14-18