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Innovative, hands-on events for families to learn together!

Join us for the inaugural Remake Learning Days in greater Cincinnati. A variety of organizations — such as schools, libraries, nonprofits, businesses and other community centers — will come together to provide our youth and families with innovative learning experiences.

HundrED has selected this innovation to


Greater Cincinnati: Leveraging strategic foresight to guide today’s education systems

Staying informed about changes on the horizon can be a challenge. Within education, it can be difficult to decide how to respond to changes while also attending to organizational vision, teaching and learning expectations, and each learners’ needs. KnowledgeWorks helps education leaders, influencers, and innovators take informed action today in order to prepare for the world tomorrow.

Read more.

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KnowledgeWorks is a national nonprofit organization advancing a future of learning that ensures each student graduates ready for what’s next. Through evidence-based practices and a commitment to equitable outcomes, we develop the capacity of communities and educators to imagine, build and sustain vibrant learning communities that allow each student to thrive. For nearly 20 years, we’ve been partnering with states, communities and leaders across the U.S. to create the future of learning.



The Catalytic Fund is a private sector, nonprofit company whose purpose is to attract quality place-based investments to Northern Kentucky’s River Cities that result in regional economic development and local community development. Its innovative financing products, comprehensive development services and vibrancy initiatives convert community revitalization plans into completed projects that have lasting and measurable impact.