About RLD Ambassadors

RLD Ambassadors are champions of the RLD festivals in their region. They share about upcoming events, attend events and post what they learned at the event. Across Pennsylvania, there will be 105 RLD Youth Ambassadors and 105 RLD Parent and Teacher Ambassadors. Thanks to a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Ambassadors receive a stipend of up to $250 for their time and expertise.

Interested in becoming an Ambassador?

We’re always looking for people to help us share about the incredible events happening across all our regions. Help us ignite a conversation about family-engaged learning by:

  • posting about Remake Learning Days using the hashtag #RemakeDays
  • sharing which events (minimum 2 events) you’re interested in attending and why
  • re-sharing posts from local organizations about their event
  • posting about your experience at the RLD events you’ve selected to attend

The Youth Ambassador applications are closed now. Stay tuned for the launch of the youth cohort.

To learn more about becoming a Parent or Teacher Ambassador for Pennsylvania, please click here.


Please reach out to Miriam Krause, RLD across PA Coordinator, at miriam@remakelearning.org.

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