General Information for Event Hosts

We are excited to collaborate and work with many community partners across PA for Remake Learning Days (RLD). RLD is a national non-profit program meant to engage students, their families, and community members in learning events designed by organizations like yours. The concept of this event is for local organizations to create and facilitate student learning experiences for the children and their caregivers in our communities. Events are intended to be hands-on, fun, and are enhanced because of the connection formed between your organization and the participation of families in your community.  

RLD is region-specific. Events to be included in this year’s northeast region of Pennsylvania will run from May 1 to May 23, and we hope that your organization can design and facilitate an event for students and their families during this timeframe. This year is the fourth year RLD will be offered in our region. Events can be scheduled at any time during the span of dates from May 1 to May 23 and can run for any reasonable duration. Events can include topics such as:

  • The Arts
  • Makerspaces Activities
  • Outdoor Learning
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Youth Voice
  • …and Educator Professional Development

The benefits of facilitating a Remake Learning event include the marketing of your event through the Remake Learning Days website and local exposure of the great many additional opportunities you offer our communities. If you are interested in facilitating a Remake Learning event for families in your community, don’t hesitate to contact our regional event coordinator, Dr. Rich Mackrell, at He will be able to support you as you prepare to submit your event for inclusion in the 2025 RLD Event website and go live with your event in the spring. 

EVENT SUBMISSION IS NOW OPEN!!!  You can submit your event information at the link below.

Thank you in advance for supporting the children in our communities. 

Northeast Remake Learning Team

Twitter: #remakedaysNEPA 

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