Remake Learning Days
North Central PA
Join us in the North Central PA region as youth, families, grandparents, caregivers and educators explore creative and fun ways of learning through the Remake Learning Days festival.
May 01, 2025 – May 23, 2025

Wonder, Explore and Learn Together
Join the North Central PA region for its second year of hosting Remake Learning Days — a festival for youth, families, grandparents, caregivers and educators to explore creative and fun ways of learning.
From May 1-23, 2025, explore creative and engaging events and celebrate joyful learning. Build a robot, code an art spinner, direct a film, be a scientist, explore the outdoors, make your own music, print your invention with a 3-D printer and more. Attend in-person and virtual events hosted by schools, museums, libraries, after-school organizations, child care centers, tech companies and more. Come back in March 2025 to begin exploring events.

Host an Event for RLD!
Join us as an event host for Remake Learning Days! We welcome all the places where kids are learning, whether you’re a library, park, school, tech center, museum or nonprofit. Click here to learn more about hosting an event and how to apply for funding to support your event.
Leading Organizers

BLaST Intermediate Unit 17
BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is proud to support our schools and communities across the Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, and Tioga County region. Our mission is providing, creating, and facilitating high-quality educational solutions.

Seneca Highlands IU9
Seneca Highlands Intermediate Unit IX provides student and family services to school districts located in Elk, Cameron, McKean, and Potter, Pennsylvania, counties that prefer to work cooperatively or that cannot afford to offer such services individually. The Intermediate facilitates training and resources to ensure that all children receive the best possible education regardless of ability, race, or socio-economics.