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San Diego County presents Remake Learning Days festival for families.

Join us for Remake Learning Days in San Diego County. A variety of organizations — such as schools, libraries, nonprofits, businesses, and other community centers — will come together to provide our youth and families with innovative hands-on learning experiences showcasing the future of learning. This year’s festival dates are April 22-May 2, 2022.

Join us by hosting an event!

Adding your event to this website helps build awareness, not only about your event, but also about many education opportunities for San Diego County.  We are collectively marketing through PeachJar, social media, and more.  We will also celebrate connecting people into learning together.  Our target is 50 events from 30 different organizations.  Join us today!

Looking for an event?

Visit the event page and find a growing number of family-friendly learning events in San Diego County.


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HundrED has selected this innovation to


San Diego: Pactful

Pactful is a social good innovation curriculum and app used globally by teens and teachers who want to build a better world. The digital platform and challenge events inspire users to leverage design thinking and an innovator’s mindset to create solutions aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

San Diego STEM Ecosystem

San Diego STEM Ecosystem logo

San Diego region is a STEM Ecosystem of diverse stakeholders committed to cultivating and sustaining a robust and equitable STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) community that provides opportunities for rich and effective lifelong STEM experiences in- and out-of-school for all learners of all ages throughout our region. The STEM ecosystem initiative cultivates and supports bringing together local stakeholders across education, science and business sectors to ensure all students have opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills they need to thrive. When we surround San Diego residents with STEM-rich learning environments, our region, individuals and businesses can reach their full potential. Visit for more information:

Fleet Science Center

Fleet Science Center logo

The Fleet Science Center connects people of all ages to the possibilities and power of science to create a better future. Our mission is to realize a San Diego where everyone is connected to the power of science.

Located at 1875 El Prado, two blocks south of the San Diego Zoo on Park Blvd., the Fleet is San Diego’s science center. Science starts here and opens a world of possibility.

For more information, please call (619) 238-1233 or visit our website at

San Diego County Office of Education

San Diego County Office of Education logo

We are a collaborative team focused on accelerating, scaling, and amplifying the number and speed of innovations coming from the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE). We provide support to district and school leaders, staff, students, and the greater San Diego community to translate ideas into impact and generate new solutions at every level.

Our Purpose:

  • Provide opportunities and develop skills in students to make a difference in a dynamic world which changes what tomorrow looks like.
  • Improve access to information & resources when and where needed with equitable efficiency.
  • Identify barriers to student success and implements creative and measured solutions.
  • Prepare students for a dynamic world (tailored to their needs).
  • Empower students and staff to discover their own purpose and worth. Build staff efficacy, creatively fostering equitable access for all students, especially those with the highest-needs.