Join fellow organizations, educators and community leaders across southcentral Wisconsin to showcase and celebrate the wonder and joy of learning!

How can you be part of this nonprofit festival and family outreach campaign?

Showcase your Programs and Events! Our goal is to ‘make a joyful noise’ by showcasing and including all the wonderful learning opportunities open for youth and families in our communities.  We work with schools, libraries, nonprofits and the local media to get word out to families. There is no fee to list your programs, thanks to the support of our sponsors. 

What Events Can be Featured? Any in-person, hybrid or live online program, event or activity designed to celebrate and encourage hands-on learning together for youth, families and caregivers in any of the 7 Learning Themes are eligible; as well as related professional development activities for adults. Open houses, learning worksheets, scavenger hunts, mini-make-and-take crafts, demonstrations, talks and tours — be creative! 

How do we Submit Our Events to be included in local and national publicity? Simply log into the Remake Learning Days Event Portal, enter your program details and upload an image. It’s that simple. (And feel free to contact us if you have questions or need help making your entries.)

Early Bird submission deadline is February 14, however entries and changes can be made any time.  Festival website and promotions go live to the media and general public in late March and April!

Questions about the Steps? Check out the Step-by-Step Event Host Guide; peruse the Event Host FAQ page, or hear What other Event Hosts Have to Say.

Let’s recapture and celebrate the joy in learning!

The goal of Badgerland Learning Days is to celebrate joyful hands-on learning in the community and for parents and caregivers to learn alongside their kids.

Questions?  Ideas? 

Contact the WI Coordinator: 

Kathe Crowley Conn   608.800.2100

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