Makers of Change: Creating STEAM Pathways for Families

The Global Family Research Project explored the experiences of the diverse host organizations that have participated in Remake Learning Days and gleaned important benefits of family engagement opportunities. This Learning Memo shares the benefits that families gain from events like Remake Learning Days as well as key challenges and opportunities moving forward.

Learning Memo #1: Makers of Change: Creating STEAM Pathways for Children and Families

Learning Memo #2: Creating Engagement Pathways for Families During Remake Learning Days and Beyond

Learning Memo #3: How Remake Learning Days Build Family Engagement, Create Demand for More STEAM Learning Opportunities, and Contribute to a More Equitable STEAM Learning Ecology


The Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institute Case Study

The Brookings Institute released the 2021 study “Collaborating to transform and improve education systems: A playbook for family-school engagement” which features different strategies to enhance family-school engagement.  As part of the Strategy Finder, the Center for Universal Education wrote a case study on Remake Learning Days Across America.